Celebrate Infant and Child Development Day June 18

June 02, 2023

There are 49 Infant and Child Development Programs (ICDP) across Ontario and the Ontario Association for Infant and Child Development (OAICD) Board sets aside June 18 each year in order to celebrate and recognize the ICDP professionals and programs that provide early intervention services in the province.

For this year’s celebration, the OAICD Board has requested input from the ICDP community about which F-word (Fun, Family, Functioning, Fitness, Friends and Future) resonates the most with them. The request is for submissions with a photo and/or a description either from individuals or programs as to how they integrate the F-words in their daily life and/or practice. These submissions will be included in a slideshow to be shared on OAICD’s social media and by email to the members’ group.

OAICD Members are also invited to join the OAICD Board for a virtual coffee break on Friday June 16, 12:30-1:00 pm for a presentation of the ICD Day video demonstrating the F-words in action across the province.